mercoledì 17 luglio 2013

Pubblicato il primo sfogliabile sulla divulgazione del nanotech nelle scuole

Pubblicato il primo sfogliabile sulla divulgazione del nanotech nelle scuole secondarie di secondo grado dal titolo " Quattro chiacchiere sul Nanotech ". Lo sfogliabile contiene una serie di articoli divulgativi discussi durante alcune lezioni di elettronica applicata in classi opportunamente selezionate negli Istituti Tecnici Industriali ad indirizzo elettronico o elettrotecnico. Si considera di particolare importanza la divulgazione delle nanotecnologie nelle scuole secondarie di secondo grado perché riesce a trasmettere tutti i suoi contenuti di multidisciplinarietà utili a far comprendere il vero significato delle scienze applicate.

Di seguito è riportato il link dello sfogliabile:

Quattro chiacchiere sul nanotech

Aldo Domenico Ficara

sabato 13 luglio 2013

NanotechItaly (Venice 27-29 November 2013) - Call for Papers: 5 Days to Go

Last 5 days to submit your abstract: this way, you have the opportunity to actively participate to NanotechItaly 2013 with an oral presentation or a poster.
You have only 6 things to do before July 15th:

have an innovative study or research ready to be presented to an audience of representatives of private and public research and industry
2. visit the dedicated page on the official website
3. download the template for the abstract
4. create an account with your personal data
5. upload your abstract
6. wait for the Scientific Committee evaluation
If you already have an account on  with your personal data, don’t forget to upload your abstract after entering your account!
Call deadline: 15th July

Stands & Sponsorship Opportunities: 6 Stands Left!
The conference aims at putting in contact companies dealing with nanotechnologies and high-tech applied research with institutes supporting the development, the research and the education in this particular field. So, NanotechItaly is the perfect window for companies to promote products and services to a targeted audience of investors, industries, research institutions, governmental entities and opinion leaders.
To see the various opportunities please see the Sponsorship and Exhibitors Guide and contact us at .

NanotechItaly 2013: Whom Will You Listen to?
In the opening session of NanotechItaly 2013, introductory lectures will be given by:
Keynote speakers of the sessions will be: