Last 5 days to submit your abstract: this way, you have the opportunity to actively participate to NanotechItaly 2013 with an oral presentation or a poster.
You have only 6 things to do before July 15th:
1. have an innovative study or research ready to be presented to an audience of representatives of private and public research and industry
2. visit the dedicated page on the official website
3. download the template for the abstract
4. create an account with your personal data
5. upload your abstract
6. wait for the Scientific Committee evaluation
If you already have an account on with your personal data, don’t forget to upload your abstract after entering your account!
Call deadline: 15th July
Stands & Sponsorship Opportunities: 6 Stands Left!
Stands & Sponsorship Opportunities: 6 Stands Left!
The conference aims at putting in contact companies dealing with nanotechnologies and high-tech applied research with institutes supporting the development, the research and the education in this particular field. So, NanotechItaly is the perfect window for companies to promote products and services to a targeted audience of investors, industries, research institutions, governmental entities and opinion leaders.
To see the various opportunities please see the Sponsorship and Exhibitors Guide and contact us at .
NanotechItaly 2013: Whom Will You Listen to?
In the opening session of NanotechItaly 2013, introductory lectures will be given by:
- Jari Kinaret, Director of the EU Future Emerging Technology Flagship on Graphene
- Karlheinz Meier, Co-Director of the EU Future Emerging Technology Flagship on Human Brain
- Christos Tokamanis, Head Unit Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies, DG Research and Innovation, EC
Keynote speakers of the sessions will be:
- Patrick Boisseau, Chairman of the Board of the Nanomedicine European Technology Platform
- *NEW CONFIRMED SPEAKER* Nelson Bradley, Head of the Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems , Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
- Stefano Cabrini, Director of the Nanofabrication Facility, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab , Berkeley (USA)
- *NEW CONFIRMED SPEAKER* Qasim Chaudhry, Scientists, The Food and Environment Research Agency
- Paolo Dario, Professor of Biomedical Robotics, Director of the Biorobotics Institute , Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
- *NEW CONFIRMED SPEAKER* Masahito Kawamori, Senior Research Engineer of the Information Science Lab, NTT Basic Research Laboratories , and ITU (International Telecommunication Union) , United Nations
- *NEW CONFIRMED SPEAKER* Francis Massin, CEO of Nanocyl
- *NEW CONFIRMED SPEAKER* Patrick Pype, Director European Affairs of NXP Semiconductors
- *NEW CONFIRMED SPEAKER* Francesco Stellacci, EPFL (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne)